1. the science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of numerical facts or data, and that, by use of mathematical theories of probability, imposes order and regularity on aggregates of more or less disparate elements.
2. the numerical facts or data themselves.
Why do statistics matter?
Statistics act as a form of legitimacy; they can be used to explain and describe many phenomena in life. Though not all things can be explained with statistics, the data associated with the world can be a spectacular source of knowledge, inspiration, and entertainment.
About willstats
The primary goal of willstats is to introduce new, easily-understood statistical and visual modelling ideas to those who are interested in beginning their adventure into the world of statistics. Though many statistics are available to people throughout the internet, these are often daunting to newcomers who are left without knowing the jargon, or perhaps those who do not know how to properly interpret different visual models.
On this website, one would find many types of statistics and infographics regarding geography, people, music, cities, and more. There is a page on this website dedicated to the blog where some of my thoughts are posted, and there is also a page dedicated to infographics.
The current world we live in is deceiving, especially when it comes to statistics. Many will believe anything they read as long as there is a number associated with it. This website intends to also inform users about the legitimacy of statistics, and how people and companies use strategies to shape statistics toward their own biases, resulting in others believing these biases. Learn more about how to properly analyze statistics on the learning page.